The older we become, the more experience we gain. But sometimes it is not enough to continue to experience joy and new emotions. And then we start all heavy: we decide to jump with a parachute or conquer Elbrus. Can a less traumatic activity – for example, music, can help with this?
“Once, already an adult, I noticed that with the sounds of a piano something in me freezes and I feel purely childish delight,” says Elena, a 34-year-old Elena’s relationship about my history. – As a child, I did not show much interest in music, but my friends went to the music school in the piano class, and I saw several times how they were preparing for classes. I looked at them as bewitched and thought it was difficult, costly, that this is needed for a special talent. But it turned out that no. While I am just starting my “path in music”, but I am already satisfied with the result. Sometimes I get upset when the fingers get the wrong way or play too slowly, but regularity helps the process of learning: twenty minutes, but every day, give more than a two -hour lesson once a week ”.
Start doing something new in adulthood is a crisis or, conversely, an attempt to get out of it? Or neither one nor the other? We are talking about this with a psychologist, a member of the association of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, the author of the book “To become a present!”Kirill Yakovlev:
“New hobbies in adulthood are often really one of the markers of the age crisis. But crisis (from Greek. “Solution”, “turning point”) is not always bad, ”the expert is sure. – Many begin to actively play sports, monitor health, learn dancing, music or drawing. Others choose a different way – they begin to play gambling, hang out at youth clubs, make tattoos, consume alcohol. However, it is worth remembering that even useful changes in life can be evidence of unresolved problems. Many with their fears do just that: they run away from them in the other direction – workaholism, hobbies, travels “.
Psychologies.Ru: Does the marital status affect the choice of a new lesson, or “family, children, mortgages” are able to extinguish any interest in the root?
Kirill Yakovlev: Family relations, of course, influence the choice of a new lesson, and most importantly – on the opportunity to systematically devote time to him. In my practice, I often encounter situations when one partner instead of supporting another in a new undertaking (fascination with fishing, drawing, culinary master classes), on the contrary, begins to say: “You have nothing to do more?”,” It would be better if I got a job for another job “. Such neglect of the needs of the chosen one negatively affects the pair and provokes a crisis of family relations. In such cases, it is better to share the interest of the partner or at least not interfere with him. Another option is to try to add bright colors to your life yourself.
– What mechanisms are included in our body when we begin to do something new?
– Everything new for our brain is always a challenge. When, instead of familiar things, we begin to load it with new experience, this serves as an excellent incentive for neurogenesis – the formation of new brain cells, neurons, and building new neural connections. The more this “new”, the more time the brain “will be forced” to be in the form. The study of foreign languages, drawing, dancing, music have an invaluable effect on its functions. Which in turn reduces the chances of early dementia and retains the clarity of our thinking until old age.
– Is the music as a whole can affect our mental state or even heal?
– Music clearly affects the mental state of a person. Positive or negative – depends on its type. Classic, pleasant melodies or sounds of nature helps relieve stress. Music of a different kind (for example, Hevi-Metal) is able to strengthen stress. Texts full of aggression and despair can provoke similar negative feelings, so it is so important to instill in children a “culture of music” from an early age ”.
“If you don’t know where to start, understand what kind of tool your soul is sings from,” Catherine emphasizes in turn. – I am sure that everyone can learn how to play, especially with the help of a teacher. Take your time, be patient. When I started, I did not even know notes. Brench constantly and without stopping. Give yourself time to assimilate the new. Balday from what you are doing. And then the result will not be long in coming. “.
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