There are plenty of entry-level work-from-home jobs you can land without direct experience. UnitedHealth Group is looking for a registered nurse to provide COVID-19 telephonic support to worksite staff. This includes secondary screening of staff who have been sent home through initial worksite screening, scheduling testing, providing test results and contact tracing. Browse the job list, identify the listings that best match your aspirations, and apply to them. Thinking through these questions ahead of time will help you answer confidently when they come up in the interview.

10 Remote Jobs That Anyone Can Do – Yahoo Finance

10 Remote Jobs That Anyone Can Do.

Posted: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Customer service is another option for those who prefer to interact with others while working from home. As a customer service representative, you’ll typically provide support to customers through phone, email or chat. However, you’ll want to be careful about potential sales position scams. Never accept a role that requires you to pay upfront for a product, withholds pay until you recruit additional salespeople or only pays commission rather than a full salary. However, it can be beneficial to apply to jobs even if you don’t meet 100 percent of the requirements—especially if you have the right transferable skills.

Put together a portfolio.

The detailed work done by the tester would provide the programmers with ways to improve the product or service. If you want to enter a highly specialized industry, it can be more difficult to stand out among applicants. Investing your time in an internship or volunteer opportunity can help you build experience without a previous full-time role. Even if you don’t have on-the-job experience, chances are you’ve learned skills through school, volunteer or life experience. As an online English teacher, you’ll work with students whose first language isn’t English.

The research could be done to analyze financial investments, scientific findings, market opportunity, or more. Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. Use a site like Squarespace and Wix to create your portfolio for free. Even if you don’t have the time to intern or volunteer, you can take advantage of online courses. Sites like Taproot and Catchafire allow you to volunteer your skills to nonprofits and other causes. This will help you work on your craft—plus it will look great on your resume.

Places That Pay You To Move: Remote Work Incentive Programs

Brightwheel, an early education technology brand, is looking for a full-time customer support advocate. Responsibilities include developing platform expertise, identifying and resolving technical issues, communicating instructions, and developing and improving processes. VSP Global is looking for an accounts receivable specialist to process and manage payments received. This individual will also provide financial, clerical, and administrative services. Discover the best remote entry-level jobs at top remote companies that offer you the freedom to work from home or places around the world as a digital nomad.

Better yet, you’ll be equipped to embed your answers proactively in your resume and cover letter—demonstrating your fitness for the new remote workplace. Customer service representatives help customers get the most out of the company’s service or product by providing phone, chat, and email support. Transcription is the process of turning an companies hiring remote workers entry level audio recording into written format. A transcriptionist is typically a person with high attention to detail and fast and accurate typing skills. Research jobs also ranked highly in our article on the best jobs for work life-balance. The job of a researcher is to obtain information from a number of sources to prepare the data for analysis.


For full functionality of this page and to view all remote jobs, it’s necessary to enable JavaScript. This week’s remote jobs and remote work stories straight to your inbox. If you lack work experience in the area that you’re applying to, consider putting together a portfolio.

  • At a company, the sales team is responsible for making contact with potential customers with the purpose of providing the company’s product or service to the prospect for a price.
  • The salaries you see are an average of those job title salaries pulled from Glassdoor.

Successful content writers create copy that drives traffic and awareness to a brand’s website. If you’re a talented writer, there are plenty of freelance options for you to explore. You’ll likely need to provide writing samples to prospective clients, but you won’t typically need a formal education or background (unless you’re writing about a highly specialized topic). A high school diploma or the equivalent is required; post-secondary education is preferred. If you’re just starting your career, or are changing career fields for a new start, these fully remote entry-level jobs that can help you embark on your career path. Construct a portfolio from either school, work, or independent projects.

But if you can make it your full-time role, you can make a decent amount of money. Keep in mind that a bachelor’s degree may help if your students are in high school or college. But parents with younger children may prefer to hire someone a bit closer to their child’s age (whether it’s for relatability or cheaper rates). Some companies require a teaching background and certifications while others simply want native English speakers willing to converse with students. Different companies will focus on different social media platforms, so it’s best to be familiar with all of the popular ones (like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitter). In addition to spelling and grammar, there are a few transferable skills that can help you land a copy editing job.

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